Monday, October 13, 2008

Music for Money - Awesome Band !

I went to their show at the St-Ciboire pub in Montreal on Saturday. The only reason why I went was because it was my friend's best friend's band. I knew it was instrumental. But that's all.

Well, I was surprised and delighted by what I heard. I listen to a lot of soundtracks, most of them instrumental, to get my inspiration while crafting, and their music fit right in my tastes ! Here's how they describe themselves ;
"Music For Money, a pretentious and romantic music band. Arrogant and lover. Music For Money is the sensible reaction to a plastical system of production and creation.
From voice-corrected singer without talent to their mega-productions pushing them with empty marketing campaign based on tweaked image, wines pot and pushing. The music for money industry is a noise pollution, a machine to produce empty artist, empty music, a beautiful hypocrisy.
In all is pretension, Music For Money proclaim himself as true, imperfect, without implants or whatever…
Music For Money dare, create without compromise universe without lyrics, smalls sound movies where blend beauty and violence. They experiment, look for new path.
Music For Money like himself authentic, exagerated, passionate and independent."

I recommend them to anyone looking for something different ! I really enjoyed the show (Even if I had to elave early) and probably go to their next one =) For their calendar and updates, you can browse their Myspace, ! Plus, you can listen to a bit of what they can do. They are also on Facebook, if ever you want to become a fan.

This really my crush of the year music-wise =)

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